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  5. Products within a Jobsheet

Products within a Jobsheet

There is a section within the jobsheet form allocated to Products, as to keep track of items used on jobs that need to be billed.

This section is formed of 2 parts;

  1. The Product database search facility
  2. The free-text entry of products (items not in Products database)

Items imported into Timestead Product section (under Administrators Configuration Menu) will appear in field once the user has typed in a minimum of 3 letters.

The second part, were users can enter items not included in the database by typing a name, description, price of item and the quantity used for the job. To add the item to the list, the user has to click on the ‘+’ button. If user needs to amend or remove item from list, by clicking on the item and changing the field information or by clicking on the ‘-‘ button to delete item.

(Image : Search product in jobsheet)


It imperative to click on Update every time changes are made to the job sheet, as to submit and save all changes to the cloud.

There is an ‘Share Link’ button on the bottom part of each jobsheet, were the user could either view the jobsheet in the layout as it will be forwarded to client, or should they wish to forward a copy to a client (as URL link to the jobsheet.)


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