Blog 2019-11-29T13:58:22+00:00


Want to Be a Great Boss in 5 Years? You Need to Learn These Skills

Want to Be a Great Boss in 5 Years? You Need to Learn These Skills We all know that age old question: “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Well, most of us will answer with personal situations we’d like to see our lives achieve, like starting a family, owning a house or ranking higher in our jobs. But for the entrepreneur, 5 years is a long amount of [...]

6 Tips to Improve Productivity in the Construction Industry

6 Tips to Improve Productivity in the Construction Industry The construction industry is constantly growing, and changing, and in order to keep up with demand and adapt to the new market expectations, accuracy and quality are the defining factors to a productive construction industry. Finding ways to standardise and improve your construction services will streamline your process and result in a more cost-effective and time efficient workforce. Timestead could be [...]

Billable and Non-Billable Hours: how to make the most of your time

Billable and Non-Billable Hours: how to make the most of your time In the modern workforce, making the most of your time is likely to be one of the most important assets to your work-life balance. But for business owners time is money, and deciphering whether it’s time to work or play heavily depends on the amount of hours logged by the end of the month. The dilemma in this [...]

6 things you could do with the hours you’ll save with Timestead

6 things you could do with the hours you'll save with Timestead If you are a business owner, a solo freelancer or 9-5 member of the daily grind; finding ways to free up your time away from your laptop is your constant desire! Whether it’s firing out a neverending list of emails per day or even sharing information with your colleagues or clients; finding ways to get rid of the [...]

5 Habits For The Perfect Remote Working Day

5 Habits For The Perfect Remote Working Day Remote working has, in very simple words, boomed in the last few years, but 2020 gave the ‘work-from-home’ status an obligatory feel. With COVID-19 dominating the news, conditioning our lifestyles and demanding modern adjustments within our working environments, the remote working day has transformed from an occasional luxury to a daily practice. Whether the rush of the office is gladly avoided or [...]

How to Create a Small Business Budget that Works

How to Create a Small Business Budget that Works Figuring out your business budget could be quite the struggle, but if you plan it correctly and focus on what’s essential in your plan you’ll find that you’re more than capable of sticking to your budget and keeping some extra funds for a rainy day. Here’s how to get it sorted: Step 1: Revenue Check The first step you’ll need to [...]

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