Want to Be a Great Boss in 5 Years? You Need to Learn These Skills


We all know that age old question: “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Well, most of us will answer with personal situations we’d like to see our lives achieve, like starting a family, owning a house or ranking higher in our jobs. But for the entrepreneur, 5 years is a long amount of time to achieve more professional goals and targets – not only personally but as a leader to their team.

If you’re enroute to starting your own business and being the guidance to a fleet of happy workers; you’ll need to learn a few skills to be a great boss.

Invest your time and energy to build these 4 personal skills; doing so in advance could help you retain staff and improve your team’s ability to innovate the market.

1. Learn to be adaptable

Adaptability is a key characteristic for anyone in management. Dealing with a team of employees means dealing with different characters, opinions, circumstances, emotions and let downs – you’ll need to find ways to change your path and allow others to grow in theirs. Try to see things from your staff’s point of view – always making sure your company goals in sight.

2. Recruiting

Learning to choose the right crew to stir your ship is a toll that all employers should aspire to achieve. While diplomas and certificates carry a tonne of value, character and initiative are just as important. Finding staff that work together seamlessly while carrying their role with pride is a situation that can only result from great leadership skills.

3. Inclusion

As a leader, your role is seen as a pivotal point of reference in the company. Attaching yourself to employees and creating preference in your team can create a hostile environment to work in – this happens far too often in companies. Shine as a leader by giving each team member the chance to shine, by giving them responsibility and reward them for their hard work. This gives everyone the chance to feel included.

4. Diversity

Whenever we think of diversity, we tend to direct our thoughts to the balance of men and women in management, the inclusion of LGBTQI+ staff, the balance between different cultures and so on. But we seem to forget about bringing a diversity of skill, character and attitude into your crew. This balance can help bring excellent leadership skills to your team; hailing you the title of great boss.

Ultimately, the most critical aspects of being a great boss is sticking to your word and keeping your team motivated and enthusiastic about their role within your company. A great boss knows the balance between getting the job done and making sure every team member is treated fairly; be it in remuneration, delegation, acceptance or appreciation.

Using the next 5 years to hone in on your leadership skills by taking training courses, improving your communication skills and learning more about the industry you wish to soar in; will give you the power to lead as a great employer.


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