Blog 2019-11-29T13:58:22+00:00


Video Call: 5 Tips for Looking Professional

Video Call: 5 Tips for Looking Professional 2020’s global pandemic saw our work life and overall communication take a virtual turn. We moved from the crowded office spaces to remote home offices, our social gatherings took on the form of virtual parties or tender face-to-face discussions adapted to a screen. While it’s perfectly fine to sit in your sweatpants and chat with your friends, looking presentable on screen for a [...]

Hybrid Work Model: is it the future?

Hybrid Work Model: is it the future? If 2020 gave us anything, it was the implementation of remote working facilities across the globe. Companies, big and small rushed to their HR departments to figure out how best to keep their staff safe and healthy while carrying out all the work necessary to keep their profit lines out of the red during this world wide pandemic. COVID-19 gave the clerical and [...]

8 Tips for Successful Selling: how to keep the Sales Up

8 Tips for Successful Selling: how to keep the Sales Up Making a sale is a great feeling. The final notion of gratitude and perseverance that comes with an intense amount of work. Selling successfully takes practice, and there’s always areas to improve in, aspects to highlight and areas you need to structure a little further. In order to sell successfully, you need to know the exact specifications of the [...]

4 Phrases You Should Absolutely Never Say at Work

4 Phrases You Should Absolutely Never Say at Work Now, let’s start off with the absolute honest truth: the facts of professional relationships, the good, the bad and the ugly. Working with team members on a project, or on day-to-day tasks can be tiring. Yes, it’s great to work with your colleagues and more often than not professional relationships flourish in in-house teams so much so that working friendships develop. [...]

6 Morning Habits to Create the Success You Want

6 Morning Habits to Create the Success You Want We all know that age-old question: “are you a morning-person or a night-person?” Well, for some of us, the idea itself is absurd, either because you’re an all-day person or a living zombie trying to get through the day; no matter how long it may seems. Some of the biggest downfalls in our lives are brought about because of the concept [...]

How to Make Good Decisions in High Stress Situations

How to Make Good Decisions in High Stress Situations If you’re a decision maker in your line of work, there may come a time where you’ll need to make a decision in a tough situation. Possibly turning a stressful situation into an ‘it’s you call’ disaster. But how can managers find ways to make the right decision in a stressful situation? Well, it’s not easy. The way we deal with [...]

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