Blog 2019-11-29T13:58:22+00:00


Getting Paid on Time – 3 Ways to Get Clients to Pay You on Time

Getting Paid on Time - 3 Ways to Get Clients to Pay You on Time Ah, self-employment; what a luxury. You’re your own boss, with your own clients, working in your own time, in your own space and living life large. Right? Well, for the most part yes, but in order to get the most out of your no-boss status money needs to flow in as rapidly as work hours [...]

4 Top Client Relationship Management Tips

4 Top Client Relationship Management Tips Every relationship needs to be nurtured - whether it’s personal or professional; in order to reap the benefits of those around you; you need to put in some work. Having a good relationship with your colleagues or even the team that you manage will greatly benefit your work life. Managers come in a number of forms; The best friend: who promises the world and [...]

7 Effective Business Development Tips

7 Effective Business Development Tips Growing your business is what will take you and your company to the next level. It’s all about that balance between risk and strategy and most importantly adopting the right techniques with the right people by your side. Business Development is your answer to growth and success. What is Business Development? Business Development is all about the tasks and processes that will develop growth in [...]

5 Advantages of Coworking Spaces

5 Advantages of Coworking Spaces Our working habits are constantly changing, some of us think that working from home or working remotely is the ideal solution to striking that coveted work-life balance. Others need that break from home, where the office is seen as a zone for hard work and home; a place for relaxation. There’s no right answer; it’s just about finding your rhythm and perfect space for ultimate [...]

6 Steps to Encourage a High-Performance Workforce

6 Steps to Encourage a High-Performance Workforce Let’s face it, we humans are very demanding - we want so much for our businesses and strive to be ahead of our competitors in every aspect; performance is just one of those factors that want to be ahead of! The only problem is that finding the right balance between being encouraging and being that horrible boss figure everyone hates, is quite a [...]

The Importance of a Healthy Work Life Balance

The importance of a healthy work life balance Some of us work to live. Others live to work. Well, the truth is that neither are ideal and it’s all got to do with balancing out the two to live your best life. With the mentality of ‘work to live’ firmly set in our perspective, there’s a sense of apathy in your job, that says “I’m only doing this for the [...]

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