The benefits of using a Job Management & Time Tracking System

The main problems in a team environment are internal communication problems and job management issues.. This is normally reflected on the performance of the team as  since the feel good factor within the organization suffers as a result.

Is there a way to improve these aspects? Yes. A job management solution can improve the internal communication, management of resources and enhance the efficiency of the company.

Timestead Job Management Software

Here are some of the main benefits of using a job management software:

1.      Improved communication

A clear and constant flow of communication is imperative in a company. Having a space where you can share and track the time and hours dedicated to work with absolute transparency, improves business communication either within the team or with customers.

1. Improved communication - Timestead

2.      Paperwork Reduction

Using an online software for job management and time tracking, is a powerful way to reduce or eliminate the use of paperwork, physical documents and manual processes, saving time and resources. It also consolidates data for better management decisions and fast and reliable job history searches.

Paperwork Reduction - Timestead

3.      Work and remote management

One of the advantages of using a web based resource management software lies in being able to track working hours, even remotely. This allows for smart working (remote work) increasing productivity (those who work remotely are more concentrated than those who work in the office where you are constantly distracted by various events) and interpersonal relationship with employees, creating a mutual trust.

Work and remote management - Timestead

4.      Time Saving

There is nothing more precious than time nowadays, and having a software accessible from any device connected to the internet, allows you to create timesheets, job sheets, to track the hours of work, update customer details and create reports from anywhere at any time, quickly and easily. Filling out electronic forms is faster than doing so physically, and you can also amend your errors or update virtual jobs whenever you wish.

Time Saving - Timestead

5.      Increase Productivity

One of the strategies to improve productivity is to be able to gauge how much time you’re spending on various tasks. The best way to do it is by using a time tracking application that can help you know exactly how much time you spend on daily tasks. Time tracking, better communication, time savings and resource savings translate into improved productivity and consequently the growth of the company.

Increase Productivity - Timestead

Looking for a job management tool that can help you achieve these goals? Check out Timestead’s features and contact us for more information.

By | 2019-02-06T16:29:34+00:00 April 24th, 2018|Blog|3 Comments

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  1. An Office To Be Proud Of - Timestead Tuesday May 8th, 2018 at 10:06 AM - Reply

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  2. How to Track Time as a Freelancer? - Timestead Wednesday November 28th, 2018 at 09:44 AM - Reply

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