Update Release Notice

Timestead 2.4.6 Update Release – 21/05/2018

New Dashboard Infographics

The administrator and managers will experience 2 new graphic reports providing information of the averages both for their employees and clients, for the past 12 months of usage. These statistics were requested and implemented in order to gauge staff’s average usage and billable hours as well as the client’s averages to be able to understand the human resources distribution and understand trends within the business in general.

Both reports are clickable and provide a list a full list view of the information respectively.

New Dark Theme Updated

We have updated our styling system, and made the dark theme really dark. We have understood that the light theme was too white to be used, so instead we’ve introduced a darker solution for the dark theme. Feel free to switch and choose your best option from the top switch button near the logo.

Bug Fixing and Improvements

As per each update we issue, we make sure to include optimization and bug fixing to ensure to ever improve Timestead stability, as well as better improve the user experience. This update carries with it a few backend optimization changes that improved the new timesheet feature, the production first load speed, as well as the front-end caching updates facility.


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