Update Release Notice

Timestead 2.1 Update Release – 27/02/2018


If your domain has not been recently changed to your-company-name.timestead.io please contact us at the earliest, so that we can show you the new interface and switch you to the latest interface.

Timestead Branding Launch with new UX/UI

Timestead is the new brand name for our jobsheet software. Our development team has been studying in close detail the user experience and as a result we have managed to establish a fresher look, a new design and have taken the whole front end work experience to ta new level. The location of each section and the workflow has not been touched however a user will be benefiting from a smoother look and feel while using Timestead.

In this update the following fixes were also sorted out:

  • Optimized product and client import performance to allow larger volumes
  • Renamed Billing output to ‘Invoices’
  • Added full tax rate in the Invoices
  • Added search feature in jobsheet by specific month or date (example: Jan-18, 23-Jan-18 etc)
  • Added new price matrix types (Flat Rate, Hourly per jobsheet type or Fixed rate per jobsheet type)
  • Added advanced recurrence feature on events in calendar
  • Added clickable reports from dashboard infographics

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