Stefano Cremona & George Grech
Groffe Elevator Services
We have been using Timestead for 6 months now and have surely noticed the efficiency and speed with which we are tracking our jobs and converting them to invoice. What used to take days or weeks to consolidate, (all the data posting and eventually preparation for invoicing), nowadays only takes a few minutes.
The ease of use of the system makes things extremely intuitive and has eliminated the illegibility and human error element of the previous hand-written job sheet system.
Reporting and looking up client history has become so easy, as all the data is consolidated in one location and accessible from anywhere… thus, no more looking up old, over-sized folders. The application has proven to have helped us gain time, show professionalism and aided us to focus on other tasks and not on admin and paperwork.
We are extremely happy to have deployed Timestead and the solution has surely improved our day-to-day performance.
Stefano Cremona
Managing Director
George Grech
Managing Director