NOTE: Clear Cache

The new roll-out includes some updates on the front-end. We have introduced a mechanism that helps updating your Jobie instance with the new updates we’ve just introduced, however if you experience any difficulties please make sure to refresh your browser’s cache. Choose your browser below for detailed instructions:

Chrome Internet Explorer | Mozilla Firefox | Safari


This release includes some ninja updates (back end optimizations and new features for testing) that are unnoticeable to users. The following are notable fixes and updates within this release:

  • Added click on reports on charts in dashboards
  • Fixed jobsheet type field in jobsheet reports
  • Fixed employee statistics chart on employee dashboard
  • Change status field from select to checkboxes in jobsheet reports
  • Added hide notification and view all notification feature
  • Calendars section renamed to All calendars
  • Added ’new tab opening‘ feature when choosing an employee calendar from All Calendars screen
  • Tags were moved at the bottom in appointments
  • Added placeholder to jobsheet types in jobsheet editing form
  • Added attachments counter in jobsheets upload (maximum 5 attachments)
  • Added logging feature to attachments
  • Added accordions to jobsheets areas
  • Rearranged jobsheet segments in jobhseet form (Signature, attachments and comments)

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